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Explaining Favizone product recommendation

1. Introduction to product recommendation

On site product recommandation is an issential tool for sellers to increase there turnover and capture the shoppers attention, it is the first tool on your website to capture your shoppers attention and give them suggestion and recommandations in order for them to shop.

what’s special in Favizone’s recommendation is the use of powerful AI to predict and recommend products based on shoppers behavior.

Our AI will keep learning your shoppers behavior in your website and then implement that knowledge to generate better recommendation and increase your sales .

You also have a high level of customization to tweek the AI’s behavior to improve and customize your shopper’s experience in your shop.this customization in combination with the powerful AI behind it will offer a unique experience to your customers.

2. Starting up with favizone Recommandations

In order to start using our product recommendation ,we will assume that you already installed our module on your shop, if not ,please follow this link ,and we can resume afterwards.

To install our module on your shop please follow this guide

After the installation and selecting your plan ,in the side menu ,please select product recommendation.

In order to make the process easier to get started and manage we prepared some examples that we carefully prepared to be usable on all shops ,Ofcorse you can customize them later to fit your needs ,for now lets enable the recommandation and we will customize them in another article.

3. Customizing the recommandation

Favizone has a really intuitive interface to help you get started soon.

Marked with the number 1 , is the button to enable or disable all the recommendation on site . you can customize the recommendation and then enable them all at once ,or disable them all at once

Number 2 is a button that will let you preview product recommandations on your site without enableming them ! you can use this button to tweak the interface and when your satisfied with the results ,you can enable recommandation to your clients.

Number 3 is a filter to help you focus on configuring a single page to your liking .

the next image will demonstrate in number 1 is the title visible to the client , this is the title your customer will see on top of the product recommender

Number 2 is the algorithm that will determine what products will be shown to the customer ,depending on the AI predictions from the customers behavior and other customers behaviors.

Number 3 is a a button to enable or disable that specific reommander.

Number 4 is a button to modify the recommander’s template to mach your website.you can read about it in this article.

With number 5 icon you can rank the diffrent recommanders in the same page to make them appear in diffrent order that you like.

With this article we should have covered starting up and covering the basics to get you started with understanding favizone recommendations.

When you press the Product recommendation icon on the sidebar, you will be redirected to this page, where you find the list of pre-defined recommendations on any page of your store. This list is ready to use, all you have to do is press the toggle to enable or disable the feature. If you need to customize one of the recommendation, click on button number 3.

When you press the button number 3 to edit and customize the recommendation, you will be directed to the following page.


In this page you can customize the recommender to your liking

Labeled number 1 is the title that will be displayed above the Recommender .

Number 2 is the minimum number of products in the Recommender and the total number of products in the Recommender .

3 is the number of products displayed in the Recommender ,for descktop , tablet and mobile.

Number 4 is the placement of the recommander , the recommander will be displayed in that block, to see how to configure blocks check out this guide.

5 is a drop box where you can choose the type of Recommender , you can shoose between a scrollable carraousel , a grid pattern or a vertical Recommendation,

6 is a for template modifications, you can modify the Recommender template to match your shop.

7 is for preview so you can take a look at final result of the Recommender .

5. Algorithms

Below you can choose what products you want to display, exclude or promote on your recommendation, by simply activating or disabling the toggle.

After you finish your customization, make sure you save your work, and get your recommendation running.

6.Template Customization

In this section you can customize your template to match exactly your website ,you can directly manipulate css directly in the drop down of each component.


This should wrap up the template customization , if you’ve found any problems please contact us anytime via mail or the chat widget

Updated on April 19, 2023

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